Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Hoffman, LaDonna | Continuing Education | ladonnahoffman@websiteoutlok.com | |
Holubek, Dorothy | Marketing | dorothyholubek@websiteoutlok.com | 3169 |
Homel, Thomas | Automotive | thomashomel@websiteoutlok.com | |
Hoover, Brendan | Science | brendanhoover@websiteoutlok.com | |
Hordorwich, Christopher | Information Technology | chrishordorwich@websiteoutlok.com | 3601 |
Horn, Mitchell | Continuing Education | mitchellhorn@websiteoutlok.com | |
Hostetler, Claire | Academic Success | clairehostetler@websiteoutlok.com | |
Houlihan, Dorothy | Library | dorothyhoulihan@websiteoutlok.com | |
Hradil, Vincent | Science | vincenthradil@websiteoutlok.com | 3304 |
Hudson, William | Continuing Education | williamhudson@websiteoutlok.com | |
Huff, Lisa | Library | lisahuff@websiteoutlok.com | 3591 |
Humphrey, Corey | Continuing Education | coreyhumphrey@websiteoutlok.com | |
Hussain, Asma | Continuing Education | asmahussain@websiteoutlok.com | |
Hutchinson, Cassandra | Programming Services | cassandrahutchinson@websiteoutlok.com | 3143 |
Iaccino, Richard | Biology | richardiaccino@websiteoutlok.com | |
Imler, Barbara | Ophthalmic Technician | barbaraimler@websiteoutlok.com | |
Irby, Tiffany | Health Careers | tiffanyirby@websiteoutlok.com | 3982 |
Iusco, Maria | Continuing Education | mariaiusco@websiteoutlok.com | |
Ivy, Alesia | Advising | alesiaivy@websiteoutlok.com | 3723 |
Jablonski, Glenn | Math | glennjablonski@websiteoutlok.com | 3961 |
Jackson, Niakisha | Nursing Assistant | niakishajackson@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jajic-Anton, Jelena | Surgical Technology | jelenajajic-anton@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jamison, Elaine | Desktop Computing Solutions | elainejamison@websiteoutlok.com | 3461 |
Janowicz, Daniel | Network Services | danieljanowicz@websiteoutlok.com | 3952 |
Jansen, Kaye | Library | kayejansen@websiteoutlok.com | |
Janus, Krystina | Adult Education | krystinajanus@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jasinski, Marceli | Visual Communication/Graphics | marcelijasinski@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jason, Mark | Programming Services | markjason@websiteoutlok.com | 3689 |
Jaswilko, Peter | Allied Health | peterjaswilko@websiteoutlok.com | 3481 |
Jellouli, Saeed | Business | saeedjellouli@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jensen, Paul | Academic Affairs | pauljensen@websiteoutlok.com | 3674 |
Jeronimo, Carolina | Radiologic Technology | carolinajeronimo@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jeronimo, Julian | Continuing Education | julianjeronimo@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jeselski, Hannah | Continuing Education | hannahmcginnis2@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jilani, Atika | Behavioral Science | atikajilani@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jimenez, Alejandro | Continuing Education | alejandrojimenez2@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jimms, Brianna | Operations and Maintenance | briannajimms@websiteoutlok.com | |
Johnson, Julie | Criminal Justice | juliejohnson-zalak@websiteoutlok.com | |
Johnson, Sharon | Nursing | sharonjohnson@websiteoutlok.com | |
Johnson, Toni | Early College Programs | tonijohnson@websiteoutlok.com | 3820 |
Johnson, Tracey | Allied Health | traceyjohnson@websiteoutlok.com | 6114 |
Jones, Denise | Student Affairs | denisejones@websiteoutlok.com | 3679 |
Jones, Jessica | Adult Education | jessicajones@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jones, Julia | Continuing Education | juliajones@websiteoutlok.com | |
Jordan-Parnell, Anthony | Academic Success | anthonyjordanparnell@websiteoutlok.com | 3221 |
Jubeck, Jordan | Cernan Earth and Space Center | jordanjubeck@websiteoutlok.com | 3859 |
Junge, Teri | Surgical Technology | terijunge@websiteoutlok.com | 3921 |
Jurasz, Kenneth | Athletics | kennethjurasz@websiteoutlok.com | 3136 |
Justiz, William | Emergency Medical Technician | williamjustiz@websiteoutlok.com | 3814 |
Kachala, Nadiia | Adult Education | nadiiakachala@websiteoutlok.com | 3675 |